Compare Multi Car Insurance: What is Multi Car Insurance?
Do you have more than one car parked in your garage?
The term compare multi Car Insurance lets you bundle up your existing separate car insurance policies together with one insure or can help you get one policy that covers all your vehicle. If you have more than one driver at home or if more than one car is registered at your address, you can buy a cheap multi car insurance policy instead of investing in individual policies. Bundling up your car insurance can get you good discounts from the insurance companies and you can save significant money.
Finding cheap multi car insurance is a complicated task involving a lot of effort and time.
But, Ensurance Compare changes everything. With our efficient and purpose-built insurance comparison tool to compare multi car insurance, you can get, analyze and compare insurance quotes for multiple / dual cars within a few minutes…and Free of Cost. The quick system and intuitive comparison pattern help you save time and money on the insurance of your cars.
Compare Multi Car Insurance at Ensurance Compare
Big Brands Small Premium
Ensurance Compare is one of the most premium insurance comparison websites in the UK. Working with big names in the industry as well as various specialist brokers, we bring you prices and premiums that you cannot unlock on other websites. Our team is always working to make your experience better which enable us to offer exclusive discounts that are just the Ensurance Compare thing.
2-Step Process
When we say we do the hassle, you do the drive, we mean it. At Ensurance Compare, it takes only two simple steps to unlock the best multi-car insurance deals from across 100+ insurers across the UK. All you need to do is to fill a simple form with details of your vehicles and personal information of the drivers to get the cheap multi-car insurance quotes. We make it easier for you to save money on your premium.
What Makes You Eligible for Multi-Car Insurance Comparison
The shortest possible answer is that if you have more than one car in the household or if you have more than one driver in the family, multi car insurance (knows as dual car insurance as well) is meant for you.
Car Insurance Quotes Multi Car are for:
- People owning more than one car
- Couples living together with separate cars
- Families with children owning different cars
So, basically, if you have more than one vehicle or driver, you can get the benefits of multi-car insurance
Why to Compare Multi Car Insurance?
Compare Multi Car Insurance Quotes is a product of Ensurance Compare that allows drivers to get the best deals and coverage options for multiple vehicles through one insurer, get special bundle discounts, and easily manage policy and renewal.
Get Multi Car Insurance Quote From Ensurance Compare
At Ensurance Compare, you can get the cheapest multi-car insurance quotes from the top insurance companies in the UK within a few minutes. We have a simplified and intuitive process that only takes few minutes to complete from filling the form to getting quotes and comparing them. To compare multi car insurance quotes at Ensurance Compare, you will need the following details.
Vehicles’ Details
- Registration Numbers or Make and Model
- Renewal Dates of Existing Policies if Any
- Any Modification in Vehicle
- Address to which vehicles are registered
Drivers’ Details
- Personal Details including Name and DOB
- Driving License Number
- Any Unspent Convictions Driving or Non-Driving Related
- Previous Claims on Insurance Policy
- Any Pending Non-Claim Bonus
Your Cover
- Type of Cover
- Duration of the Cover
- Monthly/Yearly Spending
- Any Extra Benefits
Frequently Asked Question about Multi Car Insurance Quotes
Getting, comparing and finalizing multi-car insurance quotes is difficult and challenging for drivers. Not every multi-car insurance quote is the cheapest or has the same terms. Therefore, we are here to help you at every step of the way and assist you in finding the policy that covers your requirements at the lowest possible price. Here is the list of the frequently asked questions along with answers about the multi-car insurance.
How Many Cars can be insured through Multi Car Insurance Policy?
Even though it varies from insurer to insurer, but usually up to five cars are covered with a multi-car insurance policy. Some of the insurance companies can cover up to 10 cars. So, the best approach is to ask rather than assume.
Can New Customers Get A Multi Car Insurance Policy?
Most insurers offer multi-car insurance policy to the new customers. All you need to do it is to carefully read the terms and conditions to avoid any unwanted obligations. The multi-car insurance can also work for new drivers.
Is It Necessary for All the Drivers Listed in Multi Car Insurance Policy to Be Family Members?
No, it is not necessary for all drivers to be family members in order to avail multi-car insurance. The drivers can be a group of friends living in one place or unmarried couple or even tenant and homeowner. Even the children living separately from their parents but with their cars registered at one address are eligible for multi car insurance.
What Happens to No-Claim Bonus?
It is one of the biggest points of concern. However, the terms for No-Claim bonus vary from one insurance company to the other and from one policy to the other. For example, in some of the policies, each vehicle has a separate no-claim bonus and other drivers do not have to suffer due to the claim of one driver.
When Is the Insurance Renewed?
The insurance is renewed when the insurance of the last car expires. For example, if your one car is insured in March and the other is in July, your next renewal will be in July when the insurance of the last car has expired.