Whether you like it or not, you need car insurance to drive your car.
Think of insurance like fuel, just like you cannot drive your car without fuel, you cannot drive it without an insurance policy.
A car insurance policy is your safety shield against the unexpected expenses that come your way while on the road such as liability due to the accident, stolen car parts, or a broken part. It helps you pay for the repair bills, replacement bills and medical bills of the third party and your own depending on the type of coverage you have.
That being said, insurance is still an expense for the drivers that they need to bear monthly or yearly. Most of the drivers are enthusiastic to save money on their insurance policy but are not aware of how to calculate their car insurance.
The three major components in a car insurance policy are your profile, your overall driving performance, and your expected level of coverage.
Here is a guide to let you sail through your car insurance woes smooth.
How to calculate car insurance premium?
As mentioned earlier, your car insurance premium is calculated based on the three factors.
1- Your Profile
To calculate car insurance premium, your profile includes things such as your age, area of living, gender, and marital status. Insurers use all these factors as the indicators of the likelihood of having a claim. Things such as age and gender when considered on the broader scope of high-risk and low-risk driving can determine the probability of getting into the accident.
So, you will need to provide your name, date of birth, gender and marital status to help insurers build up your profile.
Along with this, you also need to provide the details of the vehicle that you want to insure. The details include its make, model, or registration number, its ownership, modifications if any, car’s security system, and where the car is parked.
In the ‘get quote’ form, most of this information can be filled with checkboxes.
2- Your Driving Performance
The next thing that you need to calculate your insurance premium is to present your driving performance. The insurance companies determine your driving performance through factors such as your claim history, the number of miles that you drive, your criminal record, and no-claim bonuses. All these factors combine to tell what kind of driver you are.
The drivers with a long record of claims are usually considered high-risk drivers with more chances of accidents. At the same time, the no-claim bonus shows that you have been a good driver and are eligible for special discounts.
3- Your Expected Coverage
The expected coverage makes the third block in your insurance pyramid.
The general rule of thumb is that the more coverage you need, the higher will be the premium and the lesser coverage you need, and the lower will be the premium. So, if you just need the absolute minimum insurance that only qualifies you to drive the car legally, you can expect a small premium. But, if you are looking for something all-inclusive to enjoy peace of mind everywhere in every weather, you should make up your mind to pay a higher amount.
How to calculate car insurance rates with lower premium?
Your insurance is what your insurance is and you gotta pay what you gotta pay. Right?
No! You can lower your insurance premium if you play smart and can work through your options.
We have already discussed the things that make up your insurance premium. So, what you need to do to lower your premium is to work around them.
Add a Low-Risk Driver to Your Policy: Adding another driver to your policy does not always pay off well. But, it can be a great choice if you add a low-risk driver. For example, you are a 30-year-old male with an insurance policy just for you. If you add an adult spouse to your policy, for example, a 30-year-old female, you can expect your premiums to go down significantly.
Choose the Coverage that You Need: You do not need to buy a full-fledged comprehensive coverage always. The best approach is to carefully calculate the required level of protection for you and your car. For example, if you own an old model car from two decades ago, you may not need a collision coverage or theft coverage for it. So, you should only pay for liability coverage.
Increase your excess: Another way to get a lower premium is to work around the excess. But, you should be very careful and must know what you are getting yourself into.
The excess is the amount after which your insurance kicks in. For example, your excess is £500, and the liability bill is £450, you will need to pay the amount on your own. However, if the liability fee is £1000, you will pay 50% and your insurance will pay the rest of it.
Carefully Collect the Mileage: You should be careful in writing the number of miles. Over-estimation in this regard can be a big mistake, and you will be paying more than you need. You can also choose the option of pay per mile which lets you pay for only the miles that you drive.
How to calculate car insurance in the UK and save money?
If you are a resident of the United Kingdom, you would be well aware of the country’s strict insurance and driving laws. Based on its economy, the UK is considered the hub of the insurance and it is a highly competitive industry.
The good thing about it is that customers are the one to reap its benefits. You can try to get a lower insurance rate in the UK if you follow some simple tips.
Drive well: The most useful thing that you can do to help yourself is to drive well. The good driving record is your single most important tool to slash your insurance premium.
Shop Around: If you want to enjoy the lower premiums and make the most out of the competitive insurance industry, you should shop around before buying a policy. It can save you up to £300 per year. You should not follow an insurer blindly instead you should check the rates more often and keep looking for better deals.
Get Additional Car Security: The additional car security also pays you off well in the long run by making a difference in your insurance policy. It can especially be beneficial if you park your car in a high-risk area or have a car lock system that can be compromised easily.